PatchMD Garcinia Patch
- May Curb Your Hunger as an Appetite Suppressant
- May Act as a Natural Weight Loss Supplements
- Safe, Easy and Convenient to Use
- Sustained Release over a 8-Hour Period
- 100% Natural Ingredients
- May Provide Energy with NO Sugar Crash
Feel tired during the day
Nervous system on overdrive
Healing and recovery are slowed
Immune system is challenged
Feel hungry often, have difficulty losing weight
Emotions feel out of balance
Social interactions are diminished

Garcinia Cambogia Plus Topical
Apply Garcinia Cambogia patch daily to an area with little or no hair, i.e., shoulder, back or hip. For best results, it is recommended to wear PatchMD patches for 8 hours. There is no additional benefit wearing the patch longer than 8 hours. Avoid using any lotion or cream in the same area as it will inhibit absorption.
Pillars of Health & Balance
Staying healthy means keeping different parts of your life in balance. It’s not always easy. Building on the basic pillars of health can help you live a better, more fulfilling life of wellness, energy and joy.





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