There’s a huge range of anti-aging supplements that are now marketed across the world. Some make bold health claims while others rely on stylish package design. But the scientific evidence behind many of these products is questionable. Are they really proven to work? And if they do, which ingredients are the most effective? In this article, we review the evidence related to age-defying supplements to see if they really can help to maintain a natural youthfulness.

Anti-Aging Benefits of Vitamins and Other Nutrients

Vitamins, minerals, and a range of other nutrients can deliver significant anti-aging benefits. They reduce the physical signs of aging, minimize the risk of age-related diseases, and improve your health at a cellular level. Here are some of the most potent benefits of anti-aging supplements:

  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sun spots
  • Maintain healthy blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease
  • Combat oxidative stress caused by pollution, sunlight, and the natural aging process
  • Boost collagen production to keep skin looking supple and youthful
  • Support the immune system to protect against bugs
  • Aid energy production so you feel less tired and can maintain your activity levels

Consuming a range of different nutrients will ensure that your body has a balanced intake that provides everything it needs to thrive. Supplements support this by delivering a known quantity of nutritional compounds so that you can be 100% sure that you’re getting enough to maintain your health. This fuels your body with the nutrients required to maintain its youthful appearance and function optimally for as long as possible.

What Vitamins Help with Aging?

Vitamins that help with aging include vitamin A, C, D, B3, B6, and B9. They help to neutralize the free radicals that cause oxidative damage and lead to cellular deterioration. These nutrients also improve the suppleness of skin so that fine lines and wrinkles are less obvious. Let’s look at how these anti-aging supplements work and the scientific evidence to prove it.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an antioxidant which means it helps to defend the body against troublesome free radicals. These compounds can cause serious damage if left unchecked and are a major contributor to the aging process. They bind to other compounds at a molecular level which is how they cause damage in the body.

Different forms of vitamin A can have a variety of anti-aging benefits. They can alter gene activation and cause repression which delays the aging process. By stopping telomeres from shortening prematurely, they help to slow down the speed at which cells get older. When replicated throughout the body, this can have an overall anti-aging effect.

This vitamin is also known to aid skin health and can help to prevent visible wrinkles. One of the ways it does this is to maintain cell integrity which supports hydration and suppleness. It also aids energy metabolism, so that you experience less tiredness which is commonly associated with aging.

Vitamin C

It’s a well-known fact that vitamin C boosts immunity but it’s actually a powerful anti-aging nutrient too. It increases the production of collagen which helps to keep skin looking plump and youthful. This aids flexibility and firmness so that the appearance is noticeably improved.

Vitamin C (aka ascorbic acid) is a key player in the formation of collagen, sometimes referred to as ‘synthesis’. As we age, our collagen production decreases which is why skin gradually becomes wrinkled. Ensuring you have a sufficient amount of this vitamin will provide the healthiest foundation for collagen production to be maintained as long as possible.

This nutrient can also protect skin from sun damage which is one of the biggest factors in visible aging. Exposure to UV rays creates free radicals that cause damage to our cells. These can manifest as brown sun spots, wrinkles, and even skin cancer. But vitamin C has antioxidant properties which help it protect against free radical damage.

Vitamin D

Sometimes referred to as the ‘sunshine nutrient’, vitamin D supports vitamin absorption and reduces the aging process in a number of ways. It has anti-inflammatory properties which help to reduce stress in the body which can lead to free radical formation. It also supports calcium absorption which helps to maintain strong bones and reduce the risk of age-related osteoporosis. Vitamin D deficiency can also make you more likely to suffer from diabetes and heart disease, so it’s crucial to maintain a healthy intake throughout the year.

Vitamin D also supports anti-aging at a cellular level. It plays a role in modulating the genes that encode important proteins. These proteins control cell regeneration and death (apoptosis) which are at the core of aging. Ensuring vitamin D sufficiency is essential to slow down the aging process and maintaining young, healthy cells. Vitamin D is actually more of a hormone than a vitamin. That’s why it’s a critical ingredient on our best anti-aging supplements list.

Vitamin B3

There are a number of B vitamins that play a role in slowing down the aging process. B3 does this in several ways that are especially important for our skin. It’s involved in the formation of co-enzymes which carry out important functions like maintaining moisture levels, balancing oil production, and skin circulation. It increases collagen production which gives skin its firm and supple appearance. But it also decreases glycan production which helps to minimize the development of wrinkles.

Vitamin B3 also strengthens our outermost layer of skin so that it can withstand external elements. The wind, sunshine, air conditioning, and pollution can all be damaging to our skin cells. But B3 increases the production of ceramides which makes this outer layer denser so that moisture can’t escape and wrinkles appear tightened. Plus, it also has antioxidant properties to further protect against troublesome free radicals.

Vitamin B6

Also referred to as Pyridoxine, vitamin B6 plays a crucial role in skin cell repair. It is essential for red blood cells which carry oxygen around the body and support the function of almost every human cell. It’s also involved in the metabolism of protein which is needed for skin cell growth. If you suffer from adult acne, then it can help to regulate some of the hormones at the heart of it.

Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 is usually referred to as Folic Acid or folate depending on the form it takes. Like B6, it’s also vital for cell growth and production which is why pregnant women or those trying for a baby are encouraged to take it. In adults, it helps to ensure that skins cells are turned over optimally for a healthy and radiant complexion. B9 also plays a role in natural detoxification processes which helps your body to expel unwanted compounds. This helps to rid it of chemicals or other toxins that can cause free radical production if allowed to build up.

Anti-Aging Spices and Food Extracts

Some of the best anti-aging supplements are derived from natural food ingredients. Plants contain a number of protective compounds that they use to defend themselves against external stressors. At a molecular level, many of these compounds have the same beneficial effects on the human body. So, supplementing with a number of different spices and plant extracts can help to slow the aging process.


Curcumin is the active compound in turmeric spice and contains powerful antioxidants. Like many of the other supplements on this list, it helps to protect your cells from oxidative damage that contributes to aging. But it can also boost your levels of important amino acids that are involved in the aging process.

The other impressive property of curcumin is its anti-inflammatory effects. Studies show that it reduces inflammation, joint pain, and swelling that’s commonly associated with many types of arthritis. This is something that people often experience as they age, so adding turmeric to your food may ease some of the symptoms. It can also balance your levels of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol which reduces your risk of cardiovascular diseases. Plus, it’s being investigated as a preventative treatment for age-related Alzheimer’s.

Clove Extract

Cloves are not just for Christmas. They make our best anti-aging supplements list having been used extensively as part of Ayurvedic medicine for many years. This fragrant spice has a high concentration of antioxidants that can protect cells against free radicals. Research studies have shown that consuming clove extract can increase the scavenging effects of other antioxidants too.

Ginger Root Extract

Ginger is another favorite with Ayurvedic medicine practitioners as well as traditional Chinese herbalists. It has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits that can reduce free radical damage and minimize their aging effects. One scientific study found that ginger root can significantly reduce free radical production which contributes to the visual aging of the skin.

Indian Gooseberry Extract

The Indian Gooseberry of ‘Amla’ is packed with vitamin C. In fact, it contains twenty times more than a fresh orange! Even when dried and extracted, Indian Gooseberry retains much of the vitamin which allows you to benefit from its antioxidant properties. This is because it contains a chemical compound that prevents vitamin C from being broken down or oxidized. It’s commonly used as a preventative aging supplement in Ayurveda due to its beneficial properties for the skin and hair.

Best Supplements for Aging Skin

There are also a number of anti-aging supplements that are ideal for aging skin. You’ll likely be familiar with several of them since they feature in anti-aging products and skin care commercials. These include coenzyme Q10, resveratrol, and glutathione. Let’s look at some of the best compounds for helping aging skin to maintain a supple, youthful appearance.


Acetyl-l-carnitine or ‘L-carnitine’ for short is one of the essential amino acids. It’s active at a cellular level and plays a pivotal role in the metabolism of macronutrients into useable energy. L-carnitine is the gatekeeper that allows fuel into the mitochondria. Without it, your cells wouldn’t be able to use the energy that you consume from food.

From an anti-aging perspective, maintaining the health of your cells is essential. It’s important that they receive all the fuel they need to function optimally. L-carnitine also helps to eradicate cellular debris which can contribute to aging if allowed to build up. It’s also been shown to prevent muscle mass wastage and increase bone density, both of which are important as we get older.


Coenzyme Q10 (or CoQ10 for short) is an incredibly powerful antioxidant. There’s significant evidence that it improves skin texture and reduces wrinkles. This is why it’s a core ingredient in many anti-aging creams, masks, and serums. For people who are concerned by the aging of their skin, CoQ10 should be a vital part of their regime.

Being deficient in CoQ10 can lead to an increase in oxidative stress. This damages the skin externally and muscular tissues internally, contributing to age-related issues. However, research studies have shown that these can be alleviated by taking supplements.


One of our favorite anti-aging supplements is Resveratrol. Resveratrol is found in grapes, berries, and even red wine. It’s a polyphenol that has both anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Perhaps most exciting is that it’s been shown to extend longevity in a number of scientific studies. This makes it an essential element of any supplementation regime.

Research shows that it activates the SIRT1 gene which is responsible for regulating cellular longevity. This could make it the most powerful of all the anti-aging compounds but further research is needed to prove its effect on humans. In the meantime, we can all benefit from its cardiovascular health properties. Resveratrol has been shown to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.


Choline is a fairly recent discovery by scientific standards and a more modern addition to anti-aging supplements. It’s involved in maintaining the structural integrity of cells which is important for firm, supple skin. It also plays a role in DNA synthesis which is crucial for our continued growth and survival. Choline is important for cholesterol management too as it helps to remove it from the liver. A build-up of cholesterol can lead to an increased risk of heart disease so is worth taking steps to avoid.

This nutrient has some pretty impressive neurological benefits too. Large-scale studies have found that it improves memory, processing, and all-around brain function. Older adults with poor memories experienced significant improvements when taking a 1000mg supplement daily.

Glutathione and NAC

Glutathione is a naturally occurring protein that’s made from three amino acids; cysteine, glycine, and glutamate (also known as glutamic acid). It protects your cells from free radicals which can cause seriously aging damage as well as other health concerns. NAC is its precursor and is required to form glutathione. It also has a directly beneficial effect on cell membranes and can reverse DNA damage.

Studies have found that glutathione production decreases as people get older, especially when women go through the menopause. It can also negatively affect the immune system and make the body more susceptible to diseases. However, maintaining your levels of glutathione may help to prevent age-related cognitive decline and decreases in physical abilities. It can also reduce the likelihood of brittle bones and osteoporosis.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

One of the last anti-aging supplements we look at is Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA). Alpha-lipoic acid sounds confusingly similar to alpha-linolenic acid which is one of the omega-3 fatty acids. It’s a completely different and unique compound because it does something that most others can’t – it works in water and fat. This is highly unusual since nutrients either work in one or the other. They’re fat soluble or they are water soluble, but they’re never both.

This property allows it to get to every single part of your body with its potent antioxidant benefits. It can cross the blood-brain barrier which holds potential for protecting against various types of dementia. It’s even more effective when combined with L-carnitine and a pretty special anti-aging nutrient.

All In One Anti-Aging Supplement

Combining these nutrients will give you the most powerful anti-aging effect. We don’t eat vitamins or minerals in isolation – we eat them in real food as part of a balanced diet. The same approach applies to supplementation as many of these nutrients work in harmony with each other. Some can multiply the effects of others and allow them to deliver even greater results.

Our Anti-Aging Topical patch can help you to realize all of the health benefits that we’ve discussed above. One patch supplies your body with 1000 mg of vitamin C (1667% RDA), 1000 IU of vitamin D (625% RDA), and more than your required daily dose of vitamins B3 (1250%), B6 (2000%), and B9 (150%). It also features our PMD complex which includes CoQ10, L-Carnitine, Curcumin, Ginger Root Extract, Nicotinamide Riboside, Resveratrol, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Grape Seed Extract, Red Wine Extract, Green Tea Extract, and Indian Gooseberry extract.

This powerful combination of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can help you protect your body against the effects of aging. It can improve your ability to withstand damaging free radicals that are caused by sunlight, pollution, stress, and the natural aging process. And thanks to our innovative patch delivery method, you can be confident that you’re really benefiting from a high-quality dose. We have included essentially all of the best anti-aging supplements in one easy-to-use topical patch to be worn daily. Because it’s absorbed through the skin, it skips the digestive process and goes straight to where it’s needed most. Find out more on our Anti-Aging Topical Patch Below:

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Anti-Aging Topical Patch (30-Day Supply)