Like men, women suffer from severe conditions that can inhibit their health and cause them tremendous difficulty in their daily lives. These physical difficulties like PMS are directly related to their physiological make up due to gender. The problem is that PMS is often referred to as a myth in the popular culture, furthering a damaging and negative perspective. Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, however, is a medical reality and should never be referred to as a myth. It is a real and difficult medical condition that women experience on a monthly basis. Patch MD recognizes the challenges of PMS and rejects the PMS is a Myth propaganda. We support women and provide two specialty topical patches to address the symptoms of this challenging condition the PMS Day Relief Patch and the PMS Night Relief Patch.

The symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome are real enough, and an immense amount of time has been spent on its research. Research in this direction still continues in order to identify the symptoms of PMS. It has been a subject of scientific work since the advent of modern science in the 19th century. As a result, there is a valid argument that the proposition of PMS as a myth is negative propaganda. According to medical research, it is known that most women experience PMS symptoms like discomfort before their menstrual periods. This is something that is considered to be very normal. A significant number of women also suffer from PMS symptoms that are more intense and almost disabling.

The PMS Day Relief Patch is the best natural and all-in-one method of alleviating the challenging symptoms of PMS. Why should a woman suffer when she can find an answer with all-natural ingredients? By applying the time-released topical path technology to the challenges of a woman’s menstrual cycle, the PMS Day Relief Patch can help to ease a variety of difficult symptoms. The symptoms of PMS vary from woman to woman and there is no definite way of determining how severely an individual can be affected.

By delivering maximum all-day relief, the PMS Day Relief Patch can help to improve a woman’s overall hormonal balance, sleep cycles and general mental stability. The specially designed PMS Relief technology delivers surprising results with the convenience of the easy once-a-day application. Such a treatment can replace the burden of taking up to eight pills a day to address discomfort and help girls and young women in the restricted environment of public schools. When schools propagate the PMS myth, young girls can find themselves in a world of trouble.

It is thought that premenstrual syndrome might be associated with changes in estrogen and progesterone levels in women. However, the exact causes have not been determined. With the number of proven medical papers and the known symptoms, it can be said without question that PMS is not a myth. In fact, the claim that PMS is a myth is an offensive statement, not just to women, but also to all human beings who celebrate awareness and enlightenment. It is a genuine problem that is faced by women all over the world. In addition, PMS can cause many nighttime difficulties, including loss of sleep and cramping.

Patch MD addresses these problems with the PMS Night Relief Patch, which is the best natural and all-in-one method of alleviating the pain and cramping of PMS that causes restless nights. By applying the time-released topical path technology to the challenges of a woman’s menstrual cycle, the PMS Night Relief Patch can help to ease a variety of difficult symptoms. Delivering maximum all-night relief, the PMS Night Relief Patch can help to improve a woman’s overall hormonal balance, sleep cycles and general mental stability. The specially designed PMS Relief technology delivers surprising results with the convenience of the easy application.

In the end, PatchMD wants to be perfectly clear the proposition that PMS is a myth is nothing less than damaging propaganda that falsifies a medical reality. PMS is a challenge to all women, and PatchMD has applied topical patch technology to the problem. With the combination of the PMS Day Relief Patch and the PMS Night Relief Patch, PatchMD offers workable solution that helps women across board address this monthly challenge. Finally, the topical patch technology allows young women the ability to address the symptoms while in the restricted environment of public school. PatchMD offers unconditional support for women and offers effective help in their battle against the challenge of PMS.