How Much Deep Sleep Do You Need in 2023?

Are you getting enough deep sleep each night? You might not even know what deep sleep is or why it’s so crucial for your overall health and well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore the world of deep sleep, discuss its importance, and answer the question: how much deep sleep do you need? We will also provide valuable insights and strategies to ensure you’re getting the restorative sleep your body and mind need.

Short Summary

  • Deep sleep is essential for physical and mental health, with different requirements by age.
  • Exercise, nutrition and good habits can help improve deep sleep quality & quantity.
  • Monitor your patterns to ensure you’re getting enough restorative sleep to stay healthy!

Understanding Deep Sleep

Visual representation for the 'How Much Deep Sleep Do You Need in 2023?' article by PatchMD - Vitamin Patches and Supplements. Depicts a person enjoying a comfortable slumber on a bed, underscoring the importance of deep sleep for optimal rest.

Deep sleep, also known as the third stage of non-REM sleep, is characterized by slow brain waves and is essential for our physical and mental restoration, memory consolidation, and overall health. Every night of sleep is composed of four distinct sleep stages: three stages of NREM sleep and one stage of REM sleep. During deep sleep, your body undergoes essential processes to repair and restore itself, which is why it’s so crucial to ensure you’re getting enough deep sleep each night.

On average, people spend roughly 10-25% of their total sleep time in the deep sleep stage. Achieving this optimal proportion of deep sleep relies on various factors, such as falling asleep easily and staying asleep throughout the night. In contrast to deep sleep, around 45% of an average night’s sleep is spent in NREM stage 2 and 20-25% in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. We usually experience between four and six sleep cycles per night, depending on our individual sleep needs.

Understanding the different stages of sleep and the importance of deep sleep is crucial for maintaining good overall health. By recognizing the factors that can help increase deep sleep and the consequences of not getting enough, you’ll be better equipped to ensure a good night’s rest and optimal well-being.

The Importance of Deep Sleep

Deep sleep, or slow wave sleep, plays a vital role in various aspects of our lives, including repairing tissues, building muscles and bones, strengthening the immune system, regulating glucose metabolism, and improving memory, cognition, and learning ability. When we don’t get enough deep sleep, it can begin to negatively affect our brain function, leading to difficulty in remembering new things or retaining information. In this context, understanding the role deep sleep plays is crucial for maintaining optimal health and well-being.

Additionally, deep sleep deficiency can be a sign of sleep disorders or other underlying issues. Certain medications, such as benzodiazepines, can reduce the amount of time spent in deep sleep. If you’re not waking up refreshed after taking benzodiazepines or experiencing persistent sleep issues, it’s best to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation and guidance.

Factors Affecting Deep Sleep

Graph displaying age-dependent deep sleep requirements, featured in the 'How Much Deep Sleep Do You Need in 2023?' article by PatchMD - Vitamin Patches and Supplements. The graph visually outlines the correlation between age and the optimal amount of deep sleep needed.

Numerous factors can impact the quality and quantity of deep sleep you get each night. These factors include your sleeping environment, medications, physical and mental health, lifestyle habits, and even aging. Noise, light, temperature, and comfort are all aspects of your sleeping environment that can influence the amount of deep sleep you get. Stimulants like caffeine and nicotine, as well as certain prescription medications, can also affect deep sleep.

Physical and mental health play a significant role in the quality of deep sleep as well. Stress, anxiety, depression, and certain medical conditions can all interfere with sleep. Lifestyle habits, such as alcohol and caffeine consumption, or inconsistent sleep patterns, can also negatively affect the amount of deep sleep you get.

As you age, the quality of deep sleep can decline, making it even more important to address these factors to ensure you’re getting the restorative sleep you need.

Deep Sleep Requirements by Age

Visual representation for the 'How Much Deep Sleep Do You Need in 2023?' post by PatchMD - Vitamin Patches and Supplements. Depicts a person exercising outdoors, symbolizing the connection between physical activity and improved deep sleep quality.

The amount of deep sleep we need varies depending on our age, leading many to wonder how much sleep is required for optimal health. Specifically, people often ask how much deep sleep is necessary. Children typically require more deep sleep than adults, and the amount gradually decreases as we get older. For adults, it is recommended to aim for between 1.4-1.8 hours of deep sleep each night. Kids require significantly more restful sleep than teenagers and adults. This is especially important for their development and growth.

As we age, the balance of deep and light sleep changes. For babies, an even split of deep and light sleep is needed, but as they grow older, this ratio usually changes to around 75% non-REM to 25% REM sleep. Once we reach the age of 65, both deep sleep and REM sleep begin to decline, with most of our time asleep being spent in stage two sleep.

Strategies to Improve Deep Sleep

Visual representation for the 'How Much Deep Sleep Do You Need in 2023?' article by PatchMD - Vitamin Patches and Supplements. Depicts a person consuming a wholesome meal, symbolizing the relationship between a balanced diet and improved deep sleep quality.

Implementing healthy strategies such as engaging in regular exercise, maintaining proper nutrition, and practicing good sleep hygiene can significantly improve the quality and quantity of your deep sleep, ensuring you get much deep sleep.

In the following sections, we’ll discuss how each of these strategies can help you achieve the restorative deep sleep you need.

Exercise and Deep Sleep

Physical activity is not only beneficial for your overall health, but also plays a crucial role in promoting better sleep quality and increasing the amount of deep sleep. Engaging in daily exercise can help regulate your sleep patterns, making it easier for you to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.

Incorporating exercises such as brisk walking, water aerobics, semi-hilly bike rides, and strength training into your daily routine can improve your sleep quality and help you achieve more restful, restorative, deep sleep.

Nutrition and Deep Sleep

Visual aid for the 'How Much Deep Sleep Do You Need in 2023?' article by PatchMD - Vitamin Patches and Supplements. Depicts a person in peaceful slumber with a sleep tracker indicating the required amount of deep sleep, addressing the question 'how much deep sleep do you need?'. The image illustrates the integration of sleep tracking technology to determine optimal sleep duration.

Proper nutrition is crucial for obtaining adequate deep sleep. Consuming a balanced diet, avoiding large meals before bedtime, and limiting caffeine and alcohol intake can all contribute to better sleep quality. Foods such as nuts, dairy products, greens, bananas, almonds, warm milk, kiwifruit, chamomile tea, walnuts, tart cherries, and Greek yogurt can all help improve deep sleep.

In addition to incorporating these sleep-promoting foods into your diet, it’s essential to manage your meal times and caffeine/alcohol intake. Avoiding heavy meals before bedtime can prevent indigestion and sleep disturbances, while limiting caffeine consumption in the afternoon and evening and reducing alcohol intake can help ensure a more restful night’s sleep.

Identifying Deep Sleep Deficiency

Visual depiction for the 'How Much Deep Sleep Do You Need in 2023?' article by PatchMD - Vitamin Patches and Supplements. Features an individual resting on a bed, illustrating the process of identifying deep sleep deficiency. The image correlates with the question 'how much deep sleep do you need?' and underscores the significance of recognizing signs of insufficient sleep.

Recognizing the signs of deep sleep deficiency is crucial for addressing any potential sleep issues and ensuring you’re getting the restorative sleep you need. Persistent fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and weakened immune function are all indicators that you may not be getting enough deep sleep. Monitoring your sleep patterns and addressing any deficiencies can help improve your overall sleep quality and well-being.

If you suspect you’re dealing with deep sleep deficiency, it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider to discuss your symptoms and sleep patterns. They can help determine if you’re experiencing sleep deprivation or an underlying sleep disorder, and provide guidance on the necessary steps to improve your sleep quality.

When to Consult a Healthcare Provider

Visual aid for the 'How Much Deep Sleep Do You Need in 2023?' article by PatchMD - Vitamin Patches and Supplements. Depicts a doctor-patient dialogue, showcasing when to consult a healthcare provider regarding deep sleep matters. The image is relevant to the question 'how much deep sleep do you need?' and underscores the significance of seeking medical advice for sleep-related concerns.

If you’re struggling to get enough deep sleep despite implementing healthy habits like regular exercise, proper nutrition, and good sleep hygiene, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation and guidance. They can assess your sleep patterns and symptoms to determine if an underlying mental health issue, medical condition, or sleep disorder is negatively affecting your deep sleep.

A healthcare provider can offer assistance and treatment options to help improve your sleep quality, such as prescribing medications that can help you get a better night’s rest or managing any underlying health conditions that might be affecting your sleep.

Monitoring Your Sleep Patterns

Visual representation for the 'How Much Deep Sleep Do You Need in 2023?' article by PatchMD - Vitamin Patches and Supplements. Depicts a person actively tracking their sleep patterns, illustrating the method of monitoring sleep rhythms. The image connects with the question 'how much deep sleep do you need?' and underscores the significance of tracking sleep for optimal health.

Tracking your sleep patterns using sleep monitoring devices or apps can provide valuable insights into your sleep needs and help you make necessary adjustments to improve your deep sleep. Sleep monitoring devices and apps, such as wearable devices and sleep trackers, can help you better understand your sleeping habits and pinpoint patterns that may be affecting the quality and quantity of your deep sleep.

With the information gained from sleep monitoring, you can make adjustments to your sleep habits and implement healthy strategies to improve your deep sleep and overall sleep quality.

The Relationship Between REM Sleep and Deep Sleep

Visual element for the 'How Much Deep Sleep Do You Need in 2023?' article by PatchMD - Vitamin Patches and Supplements. Depicts a person engaged in a dream, symbolizing the relationship between REM sleep and deep sleep. The image aligns with the question 'how much deep sleep do you need?' and underscores the importance of understanding sleep stages.

REM sleep and deep sleep serve different functions and play distinct roles in our overall health and well-being. REM sleep is the last stage of the sleep cycle, characterized by brain wave activity similar to when we’re awake, no muscle tone, and rapid eye movements. In contrast, deep sleep focuses on physical restoration and overall health, making it essential for maintaining optimal well-being and achieving a deeper sleep.

Typically, we need around 1.75 to 2.25 hours of REM sleep every night, with 20-25% of our total sleep time being spent in this stage. Interestingly, after a night of no sleep, we tend to spend more time in deep sleep during our next sleep session, with most deep sleep occurring at the beginning of the night.

Understanding the relationship between REM sleep and deep sleep can help you better manage your sleep habits and ensure you’re getting the restorative sleep your body and mind need.

The Consequences of Not Getting Enough Deep Sleep

Visual representation for the 'How Much Deep Sleep Do You Need in 2023?' article by PatchMD - Vitamin Patches and Supplements. Depicts a tired-looking individual, illustrating the repercussions of inadequate deep sleep. The image connects with the question 'how much deep sleep do you need?' and highlights the importance of understanding the impact of sleep on overall health.

Inadequate deep sleep can lead to a variety of negative consequences for our overall health and well-being. These consequences include an increased risk of illness, injury, heart disease, cognitive decline, and even a shortened lifespan. Addressing any deep sleep deficiencies and improving your overall sleep quality is crucial for preventing these consequences and maintaining optimal health.

By implementing the strategies discussed in this blog post, such as regular exercise, proper nutrition, and good sleep hygiene, you can work towards improving your deep sleep and ensuring you’re getting the restorative sleep you need for a healthy, fulfilling life.


In conclusion, understanding the importance of deep sleep and implementing strategies to improve sleep quality and quantity is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. By recognizing the factors that affect deep sleep, addressing sleep deficiencies, and monitoring sleep patterns, you can take control of your sleep health and ensure you’re getting the rest your body and mind need. Remember, a good night’s sleep is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for a healthy, fulfilling life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is 45 minutes of deep sleep a night enough?

45 minutes of deep sleep is not enough for an adult, as the recommended amount of deep sleep for adults is 105 minutes (around 25% of your total sleep).

Therefore, you should aim to get more deep sleep in order to achieve the optimal rest.

How do I increase my amount of deep sleep?

To increase your amount of deep sleep, try getting the right amount of exercise, pre-bed warmup, avoiding caffeine close to bedtime, listening to pink noise, and creating a relaxing bedtime routine.

These tips can help you relax and get a good night’s rest!

Why do I get so little deep sleep?

Pain and discomfort can make it hard to get deep sleep, as well as noise or light in the sleeping environment. To ensure good quality sleep, keep your bedroom dark, quiet, cool, and comfortable.

How much rem sleep do you need?

To get the recommended amount of REM sleep, aim for 20-25% of your total sleep time. So, if you get 8 hours of sleep, you should aim for around 90 minutes of deep REM sleep.

How does exercise affect deep sleep?

Exercising regularly can have a positive effect on your deep sleep, improving its quality and duration.

About the PatchMD Sleep Patch

Our Sleep Starter Topical Patch contains sleep aids like melatonin, 5-htp, valerian root and magnesium.

Our patches are also suitable for people with many different forms of allergies. They’re free from gluten, wheat, casein, milk, egg, tree nuts, peanuts, shellfish, soy, and corn. They don’t contain any GMOs, MSG, fillers, artificial dyes, colors, flavorings, or preservatives. So, you can be confident that you’re only receiving the nutrients you need and nothing else.

Each pack contains a 30-day supply of patches. Order a pack today and experience the benefits for yourself.